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Risssanierung in Frankfurt, Mainz, Darmstadt und deutschlandweit

Ein Riss in einer Wand benötigt eine Risssanierung
Dieser Riss benötigt eine Risssanierung

Cracks in buildings can be caused by various factors, such as ground settlement, temperature and humidity fluctuations, or incorrect material choices. If you notice cracks in your building, it’s essential to take quick action and contact a specialized company like EpoCon GmbH to prevent further damage. We utilize cutting-edge technologies like infrared and laser scanning to identify the cause of the crack and find the best solution for repair. Our experienced professionals use high-quality materials and methods to effectively and sustainably eliminate the crack.


How much does crack repair cost?

The cost of crack repair can vary significantly and depends primarily on two factors:


    • The size and severity of the crack.
    • The type of building.

Typically, the building owner is responsible for repairs, unless the crack was caused by a contractor’s or third party’s error. However, we provide comprehensive consultation and tailor-made quotes that suit your needs and budget.


Professional crack repair: swift completion, long-lasting results

The duration of crack repair also depends on the factors mentioned earlier: the size and severity of the crack and the type of building. Generally, repairs usually take only a few days to weeks to ensure your building becomes fully usable as soon as possible.

Furthermore, a professionally executed crack repair typically lasts for many years. At EpoCon GmbH, we exclusively use certified materials to guarantee a sustainable and enduring solution. Another advantage is that, in most cases, you can continue to use your building during the repair process, although there might be some restrictions depending on the type of crack and the repair method. Our experts will gladly guide you and find a solution that aligns with your needs and requirements.


What materials are used for crack repair?

We only use high-quality and certified materials for crack repair, such as epoxy resin or polyurethane resin. These materials have proven to be highly effective and sustainable, ensuring a long-lasting repair of your building.


Crack repair: best left to the experts

Crack repair requires significant experience and expertise to identify the root cause of the crack and select the right materials and methods for repair. Therefore, we strongly recommend hiring an experienced professional company to ensure a smooth repair process and prevent any further damage.


How can I prevent the building from developing cracks again?

To prevent cracks in buildings, it’s crucial to ensure that the building is professionally planned and constructed from the beginning. If your building already has cracks, it’s essential to have them repaired by a professional as soon as possible to prevent further damage. To avoid future cracks, you can also schedule regular inspections to identify and address potential risks early on.

Proper maintenance of the building structure, along with regular checks on ground movements and water drainage, can help keep your building stable and free from cracks. Our experienced professionals are here to advise you on how to prevent future cracks and recommend necessary preventive measures. Contact us today for more information!


FAQ zu Risssanierungen

Which wall cracks are dangerous??

Having a crack in the wall doesn't automatically make it dangerous. However, there are some indicators, you should closely observe :

  • Width and Size: If the crack is wide and large, it is likely a dangerous crack, possibly indicating structural issues.
  • Crack Orientation: Horizontal cracks may suggest an overloaded wall. Diagonal cracks can indicate building settlement . Vertical cracks are generally less concerning.
  • Recurring Cracks: If cracks reappear after successful repairs, there could be an underlying structural problem.
  • Pattern Formation: When multiple cracks connect to form a pattern and span a significant area, there is potential danger, indicating a weak or damagedstructure.
Can a house collapse due to settlement cracks?

No, in the rarest of cases does a house collapse due to settlement cracks. These cracks result from normal soil movement . However, settlement cracks can be a sign of structural damage. To ensure safety, it's always advisable to consult a professional to assess your house's condition.

How do you repair cracks in masonry or walls?

While every repair is unique, there are general steps to follow :

  • Problem Identification: First, identify the problem. What caused the crack? How wide and large is it? What is its shape?
  • Small Cracks: Small cracks can often be repaired quickly with fillers or putty mainly because they are more of an aesthetic nuisance than a foundation concern.
  • Large Cracks: Repairing larger cracks is more complicated. It may require widening the crack and filling it with specialized mortar or injection materials .
  • Experts: If you're unsure how to repair the crack correctly, it's advisable to call an expert. They will professionally repair the crack and save you from potential future issues.
What types of cracks are there?

There are various types of cracks; here are a few examples:

  • Settlement Crack: A settlement crack is thin and extends vertically, caused by natural soil activity.
  • Temperature Crack: These cracks result from temperature fluctuations, as materials expend or contract with changing temperatures.
  • Shrinkage Crack: A shrinkage crack occurs when masonryloses mouisture while drying.
Why should you repair cracks?

Repairing cracks is essential for several reasons:

  • Safety: Cracks pose a potential hazard. Left untreated, they can cause irreversible damage .
  • Prevention: Timely repair of cracks stops them from spreading, preventing costly repairs due to widespread cracks.
  • Energy Efficiency: Cracks lead to heat loss from your house. Repairing them promptly restores energy efficiency .
What is the cost of crack repair?

The cost of crack repair varies significantly, depending on factors such as:

  • Size and Number: Many and larg cracks requiring repair will naturally be more expensive. Small and thin cracks are comparatively cheaper.
  • Causes: Costs can significantly differ depending on the cause. Factors like moisture, soil activity, or other elements contributing to crack formation will be considered.
  • Overall Work Complexity: If cracks are challenging to access and require special measures, it can increase the overall costs.

Ihr Partner bei der Beratung, Planung und Ausführung Ihrer Risssanierung.